a model by Brian and Phil Parker
Goods train

Set in the later days of steam, Flockburgh represents the end of a small branch line on the border between England and Scotland.

This small town once promoted itself as a rival to Blackpool, but sadly the holidaymaker's never arrived in the numbers the local council and businesses had hoped for. Fortunately some people did like the area, enough to maintain a population colourful of beech huts along the front.

Dr Beeching's axe is hovering but with a mix of locomotives the branch struggles on. Healthy goods traffic ensures survival for now and a steady trickle of passengers still use the service provided.

Goods shed

The layout was built as a test bed for 3mm scale stock. After several 4mm layouts, we needed a change to keep up our interest in modeling and an unusual scale seemed like just the thing. 14.2mm gauge seemed a sensible option as all the stock would be kit-built - after all why go for the underscale option ?

3mm scale offers the ideal compromise between detail and ease of construction. Thanks to the efforts of the 3mm Scale Society there are enough kits to allow us to build a layout like Flockburgh without resorting to too much scratch building.

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This website will hopefully explain how we built the model. It is a work in progress so keep coming back to check for updates.

If you have any questions, get in touch by e-mail at phil@pagenumberone.co.uk or read my blog for my latest modelling projects.